Delivery of Pupil Personnel Services Credits: 3 Only $529
This course examines the principles and the role of the pupil personnel worker. Participants will reflect on their prior knowledge of the educational setting and examine the key concepts regarding how the PPW serves as the liaison between school and the community to increase attendance and prevent at-risk students from dropping out of school. This course addresses the following key concepts: attendance concerns, residency issues, custody of students, students experiencing homelessness, students needing to enroll under kinship care, hardship, and other legal issues.
Course Curriculum
Introduction Video
What is a PPW video?
A Day in the life of a PPW (ebook)
Informal Kinship Care presentation video
Every Student Succeeds Act PDF
Course assignments
Attendance Laws per state pdf
National Coalition for the Homeless PDF
McKinney-Vento Act - school benefits (video)
The money shot’: How school districts find and prove residency fraud article
Enrollment Fraud Reminds Us That Many Public Schools Aren't Public article

About this course
- $529.00
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Supporting Homeless Students and the School System
The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 amended and reauthorized the federal Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (“McKinney-Vento”). McKinney-Vento guarantees homeless children and youth equal access to free, appropriate public education and the right to educational continuity and stability. This course provides an overview of the educational rights of students impacted by homelessness and how Pupil Personnel Workers can address their educational needs. The course will examine the rules and regulations that are federally mandated as well as practical tips to assist the families.